Helene Robert Boisivon, Ph.D.
Senior Group Leader
About Helene Robert Boisivon, Ph.D.
Since 2017, I am the group leader of the “Hormonal crosstalk in Plant Development” research team, in the Mendel Centre for Plant Genomics and Proteomics, headed by Prof. Jiří Fajkus, at CEITEC Masaryk University, in Brno, Czech Republic.
I studied biology in my hometown at the University of Rouen and did my Master studies at the École Normale Supérieure in Lyon, France. My practical training marked the starting of a long relationship with seed development at Laboratory of Reproduction and Development of Plants, under the supervision of Dr. Fred Berger, now at the Gregor Mendel Institute in Vienna, Austria. For more information check this page.
Veronika Jedličková, Ph.D.
Senior researcher
About Veronika Jedličková, Ph.D.
My alma mater is the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (Czech Republic) where I studied the programme of Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics. During my studies and postdoctoral research I have worked with various organisms such as Drosophila, pea aphid, oil-seed rape or the insect viruses. I have researched in the areas of diverse molecular techniques including cell proliferation and apoptosis assays, RNA interference and gene reporter assays, and I have studied plant mobile elements using both molecular biology tools and bioinformatic analyses. I am currently focusing on the plant tissue culture, primarily on hairy roots derived from the infection of a plant by Agrobacterium rhizogenes, and on gene expression analyses. For more information check this page.
Kateřina Mácová, Ph.D.
Junior Researcher
About Kateřina Mácová, Ph.D.
Whole my academic life is connected to Masaryk University. After master studies of Molecular Biology and Genetics, I started the work on my doctoral project elucidating the response of Brassica napus plants to long term high temperature stress. I aim to describe how changes in plant hormones' levels helps to these plants deal with high temperatures. Moreover, I am trying to use x-ray microtomography to visualise internal seed structures including embryos. For more information check this page.
Vendula Pukyšová, Ph.D.
Postdoc fellow
About Vendula Pukyšová, Ph.D.
I joined the lab shortly after completing my PhD in Genomics and Proteomics at Masaryk University. I was part of the Developmental and Cell Biology of Plants research group and my doctoral study focused on the role of plant flippases in intracellular trafficking and stress responses. During this time, I gained expertise in cell biology, tissue culture and microscopy techniques. Currently, I am involved in a project aimed at studying auxin regulation in the development and stress response of Brassica napus. Specifically, we are characterizing the BnaTAA1 gene family to better understand its function in rapeseed development and stress adaptation. For more information check this page.
Samia Belaidi
PhD Student
About Samia Belaidi
I graduated as an agronomic engineer specialized in Plant Production Science from the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia in 2018. Then, I got my Master of Science in Horticultural Genetics and Biotechnology from the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece in 2020. My master’s thesis was about elucidating the effect of SLP4H3 alteration on the expression of key regulatory genes involved in tomato fruit ethylene biosynthesis and abscission zone formation. In 2022, I joined the team of Hormonal crosstalk in Plant Development as a Ph.D. student to work on the project aiming to unravel the role of the Auxin Response Factor 5 and MicroRNAs in the embryogenic transition in Arabidopsis thaliana. For more information, check this page.
Oussama Guennich
PhD Student
About Oussama Guennich
I am Oussama Guennich, from Morocco. I hold a Master's degree in Biotechnology (2021) from Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah University in Fez, Morocco, and another Master's degree in Plant Genetics and Biotechnology (2023) from the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) in Chania, Greece. My master's theses research experiences were about exploring alternative environment-friendly ways for elevating biotic stress in plants as well as the generation of tomato transgenic plants for phenotypic and molecular analyses.
I embarked on my PhD journey at this lab in November 2023. My research investigates pre-mRNA alternative splicing during the embryonic thermoresponse in Arabidopsis thaliana at the microscopic level. For more information, check this page.
Teresa Paraiso
PhD Student
About Teresa Paraiso
I did my master’s degree in Biology specialization Plant Science in February 2024 at the University of Freiburg, Germany. There I researched the role of auxin positioning mediated by the WIH-proteins on the development of the megaspore mother cell, the progenitor of the female gametophyte, in Arabidopsis thaliana. I joined this lab in July 2024 for my PhD where I will investigate the impact of heat stress on ovule fitness for seed set in Arabidopsis thaliana. For more information check this page.
Unnikannan Prabhullachandran
PhD Student
About Unnikannan Prabhullachandran
I had completed my Post-Graduate degree in Biological Sciences from IISER Thiruvananthapuram, India. Back there I was studying the role of some of the gametophytic lethal genes, involved in the PRC2 complex, in the development of Arabidopsis thaliana using the technique of haploid induction under Dr Ravi Maruthachalam. Currently, I am doing my Doctoral research in finding out the gene regulatory mechanisms involved in the process of thermoregulation in the development of the Brassica napus seeds under heat stress. For more information check this page.
Marek Sedláček
Specialised Technician
About Marek Sedláček
I graduated in Food Safety and Quality at University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic. After my graduation I moved to England to develope my skills, gain new job opportunity and experiences, so I started to work as laboratory technician with quality assurance testing and development work in support of Alcohol and co - product manufacturing. Achieved a skillset in experimental equipment and procedures I got new position as a laboratory analyst - I worked with HPLC to separate a mixture of compounds by performing different test, extraction and analyzed vitamins in food and pharmaceutical drugs, e.g. I came back to Czech Republic and I have joined to this group in 2020. My main duties include helping people in a group, make sure that everyday in laboratory runs smoothly and my co-workers have everything they need. The most important thing is being helpful at anytime when my co- workers need it and more. For more information check this page.
Marie Štefková
Specialised Technician
About Marie Štefková
After my Master's studies in Molecular Biology and Genetics here at Masaryk University, I enrolled for an internship at the University of Crete (Greece), where I studied RNA silencing mechanisms in tobacco plants. After my return, I joined this group in 2018 as a laboratory technician. My daily purpose now is to help the other group members by growing plants such as Arabidopsis, rapeseed and tomato, helping to plan their qPCR experiments, preparing various media and also competent cells for cloning experiments. In the meantime, I am administering our laboratory database. I am also quite enthusiastic about photography, so if anybody needs help regarding photos, here is the right place. For more information check this page.
Lenka Švihlová
Specialised Technician
About Lenka Švihlová
I joined the group in 2016 after my master's studies in Molecular Biology and Genetics. Armed with precise pipettes, sharp tweezers, and steady hands, I support other group members in their research, especially with solutions and samples preparation, plants growing and crossing, embryo rescue, and genotyping. For more information, check this page.
Might be you
Joined our team at some point and left for better horizons...
Zbyněk Milec
Researcher (2023-2024)
Shekoufeh Ebrahimi Naghani
PhD student (2018-2024)
Subodh Verma
Post-doc (2019-2023)
Juan Francisco Sanchez Lopez
PhD student (2018-2023)
Souad Mroue
PhD student (2014-2023)
Barbara Wójcikowska
Visiting post-doc (2022) Back to her home institute, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
ORCID: 0000-0003-0287-9859
Andrea Simeunovic
Post-doc (2016-2022)
Jan Butula
Master student (2020-2022)
Venkata Pardha Saradhi Attuluri
Post-doc (2019-2021)
Illustrated the teaching handouts
Kateřina Máčková
Bachelor student (2019-2020)
Jana Zemánková
Master student (2018-2020)
Lenka Sochová
Master student (2017-2019)
Věra Kotrsová, M.Sc.
Lab manager (2019-2020)
Stanislava Sládečeková, M.Sc.
Lab manager (2018-2019)
Lenka Sochová
Master student (2018-2019)
Cristina Andrea Araújo Cuevas, B.Sc.
Stella trainee from the University of Seville, Spain (11/2018 - 01/2019)
Greta Alėjūnaitė, B.Sc.
Erasmus trainee from Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania (07/2017 - 11/2017)
Sonata Pečiūraitė, B.Sc.
Erasmus trainee from Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania (07/2017 - 08/2017)
Radka Holbová, M.Sc.
lab manager, lab technician (2014-2016)
Daniel Novák, Mgr.
Master student (2014-2015)